I’m a Normal Man

"Tang Xi! I have no enmity with your Jiahe Corporation, so why did you harm me this way?" How Chu Fangzheng wished he could eat Tang Xi alive.

"No enmity?" Tang Xi's lips curled up coldly. "Remember Jiang Ming'an? The Jiang Ming'an who took in your daughter in Iraq! The Lu Xiangsi who took care of your daughter! These two people… I guess you no longer have an impression of them!"

Chu Fangzheng's mind blanked out, and then it suddenly struck him…

Xie Jingqiu, Tang Xi, Jiang Ming'an, Young Master Feng… they had a deep friendship!

"So you're destroying the Chu family because of Jiang Ming'an and Lu Xiangsi's deaths?"

Tang Xi walked to the door and picked up his suit with one hand. He slipped his cigarettes and lighter into his suit and put it on. "President Chu, your tea is pretty good, enjoy it yourself!"

After Tang Xi left, Chu Fangzheng slumped down on the sofa…