Song Yao Still Felt Sweet at Heart, So What Was Going On?

Cen Mo looked perplexed. "Enhance your charisma?"

"Sir, I have been working for you all along, but the subordinates have been scared of me. No one's willing to get close to me. I saw that since Little Lu came to our Cen residence, he has been very popular, and everyone likes Little Lu. Hence, I went to consult Little Lu on how to enhance my charisma! Little Lu is my teacher…" Saihand explained to Cen Mo, scratching his ear. "So please stop making wild guesses!"

Cen Mo looked enlightened as he nodded. He then went back to drinking Song Yao's soup.

Although it wasn't as tasty as the soup the in-house chefs made, what was so precious about it was that it was the fruit of Song Yao's labor…

"Taste good?" Song Yao asked.

Seeing Cen Mo open his mouth to answer, Song Yao quickly said, "I want to hear the truth! Don't lie to me!"

Cen Mo nodded, then said truthfully, "So-so…"

Song Yao was rendered speechless.