No One Believed Her

After Xia Yuwei said those words, she looked even more pitiful than before.

This was the last straw for He Xiyan. She stood up agitatedly, her fists clenched so tight that her veins popped out.

"Xia Yuwei….you?"

She could not hold back any longer and rushed forward with her hand raised, ready to smack that woman's face.

She hated this, she hated how she was painted as the perpetrator in this. She especially hated this woman who was so good at acting.

Just as her hand was about to come down hard, a man reached out to grip it tightly.

"Enough is enough, He Xiyan."

Mo Yixuan said angrily, his gaze cut through like a knife across her face that was flushed with anger.

"Yixuan, she is lying. She truly is!"

Xiyan looked at her husband and she felt like crying when she saw the mistrust and annoyance in her husband's eyes.

Xia Yuwei's chin lifted and her next words were even more vicious.