She Signed

Is the world crushing down? Or else why is it so dark around me?

He Xiyan tried to clench her shaking fingers but couldn't make a fist no matter how hard she tried.

Probably broken inside.

She raised her head to look at the tall man in front of her, who at that moment looked so distant that it terrified her.

"Yixuan, have you ever loved me over these years?" She asked in supremely low voice after a long silence, tears clogging her throat.

Mo Yixuan heard it. He turned his face away to oppress his bubbling emotion triggered by something playing in his head. He had to end it, end this disturbing problem.

He looked back at He Xiyan, his eyes still frosted.

"Never! He Xiyan, I married merely because I used to appreciate your kindness to me and that's all. Now I don't need it anymore. It has become a burden. So, please leave."

The heartless words rolled off the man's tongue and could never be taken back.