Can’t Leave Her Alone

He stared, still in shock from the dream.

In his nightmare, his Yanyan was walking along the riverside while he kept calling her name from behind, but she couldn't hear him and just walked. He dashed toward her only to find her disappeared.

Yixuan made a tight fist, still sweating from the fright.

An arm gently wrapped onto his waist.

Yuwei frowned in discontent, burning rage inwardly.

She had lost count on his calling for "Yanyan", and every time it exasperated her.

"Yixuan, what's wrong? She's gone for a month now, you need to stop." Yuwei complained in a pitched tone, making no effort to disguise her dissatisfaction. She hated her life, and she had started to hate the man who's having trouble embracing his present and letting go of his past. She had had the help dump all of Xiyan's belongings, but it felt like the house was still haunted by her.

Yixuan sparred his head, trying to club away the vivid pictures spinning in it.