She Was Found

In the morning, the sunlight shone through the white curtains into an elegant room. He Xiyan struggled to get out of bed. Then, she pushed the bedroom windows open and greedily breathed in the fresh air. Today was the second day of the lunar new year and she could still hear the sounds of firecrackers. Many people were already out and about and the buses and cars filled the streets in the distance.

Now that she was seven weeks pregnant, she found herself feeling more and more lethargic. Many times, she discovered it was 9AM by the time she awakened and today was considered early for her since she awakened around 7:30AM.

She had no friends in this city and after what happened the last time, Ye Hao had not visited her again. He probably never wanted to see her again. Then again, who would lust after a woman carrying someone else's child?