See You At 7:00p.m., I’ll Wait For You!

Mo Yixuan closed the document in his hand, "Thank you!" He looked up and smiled politely at his brother, but said nothing more. He didn't seem to care about such a day.

Yang Mingyu pursed his lips helplessly, he couldn't remember when he last saw his smile.

"I will call up several classmates and friends, how about we go to the Dynasty to drink and sing in the evening?" He suggested, reaching over and throwing all the papers on his desk away in front of the man. It should be celebrated in such a day, he knew he was getting divorce recently, and had been in a bad mood, so tonight he would like spend his time to accompany the gentleman to make a night of it.

Mo Yixuan rose to his feet and glanced at Yang Mingyu, he shook his head to reject his suggestion with a poker face.

"Have fun. I have a date tonight." "He said drily, then took out his bag and car keys from the drawer.

He walked out the office and locked the door.