She Had Always Been Accommodating Him

Who was interrupting her sweet dream?

He Xiyan relucatantly grabbed her phone from the small table and glanced at the screen.

A text message?

She frowned when she saw that this was an unknown number that was not in her contact list. She didn't think too much about it, then clicked open the message to read it.

She suddenly bit her lips and when she read the final word, she froze when she remembered something. A look of astonishment spread across her face.


Dusk had arrived and the sun slowly set into the western horizon. The weather was pretty good but Ye City's winter had always been bitingly cold. When nightfall came, the cold northeastern wind blew, causing the passersby outside to shiver.

Mo Yixuan was wrapped in a black winter coat and stood on the road by the river. He leaned against the railings and remained there like a statue, ignoring the chilly wind from the river as it scrapped past his face like knives.