Forget About Me!

Mo Yixuan plucked the card out and his hand suddenly start to shake. The card was extremely light but in his hands, it felt like it weighed a ton.

He was afraid to see the words on the card.

Nonetheless, under the light, he could clearly see each and every word. A couple of sentences were written on the card in a beautiful script.

Yixuan, this is He Xiyan and this will be the last time that I'll be wishing you a happy birthday! I'm not sure why you asked me to meet you today but I'm sorry, we can't see each other any longer. I've started a new relationship and have my own life now. I hope that you would be able to find someone else who would suit you and lead a happy and fulfilling life. In fact, I'm really a very average woman and I'm not as good as you make me out to be. It isn't worth your time pining over me. Forget about me!