Do You Love Me Very Much?

At night, He Xiyan was like a kitten clasped in Ye Hao's arms, sleeping with her head on his arm.

She frowned tightly, she couldn't fall asleep for a long time and thus, she left his arms quietly and rolled to the side.

Only she knew that she had been nervous all day, wondering what to do from the moment she received the message. The first thing that came to her mind was to be cool with it, not reply and ignore as if she didn't read the message. But she was afraid that this would send him straight to the castle to find her.

Later, she wanted to tell him face to face, but she was afraid that such a move would be misunderstood by the man next to her, as she was now his fiancee.

After thinking about it, she just wrote a card with the words she wanted to say on it, and made a cake for him, which was her last blessing to him.