It Was A Pity That He Was Not The Father

The next day, Mo Yixuan went through the discharge process himself. Although he was well now, he still looked haggard, pale and bloodless. Even his lips were a little white.

Out of the hospital, he shielded against the dazzling sunshine with his hands. Though the sunshine in May was warm, yet it could not glow into his heart.

He took a taxi by the roadside. Instead of going to the company, he chose to go home directly.

He was not interested in doing anything now, nor was he in that mood. If he could, he would like to take some sleeping pills and sleep for a few days.

Mo family was still cold as before, a kind of desolation penetrating from inside. The security guards at the door were even sleeping.

Usually, some friends of Li Qin came to visit her occasionally. Now that Li Qin was in the hospital, then no one came by.

The house was very quiet except for the cries of the child.