We'll Treat Him Like Our Adopted Son

"Sir…" Lin Yanyan coughed softly twice and paused for a moment before she continued, "Old Madame asked Xiaomin to pass a message. She said that since the child has been raised by the Mo family for such a long time, she couldn't bear to part with the child and send him to either the Cheng family nor Xia Yuwei, so she proposed raising him as your adopted son. What do you think?" She asked apprehensively and didn't dare to look at his expression.

She guessed that he must be in a lot of pain when he found out that the child whom he had raised and loved for such a long period of time was not his biological son. No one would be able to take such a blow.

Mo Yixuan turned to face her and despite his best efforts to control his expression, his pain and conflicting emotions were still written all over his face.

His lips were tightly pursed and his gaze never left the child who he had poured out all his affection on but wasn't his biological son.