He Is Not Strong Enough

Li Qin happily invited all her relatives to the biggest Royal Restaurant in Ye City for dinner, and ordered the best wine in the restaurant.

They seemed to be having a grand celebration dinner.

"Yunsheng, thank you so much this time." Li Qin patted her younger brother on the shoulder, believing that they were able to win the case so smoothly all because of her brother's personal connections.

Li Yunsheng's smile was a little awkward. He held a small glass of alcohol and drank it down, looking at Li Qin with some kind of helplessness.

"Elder sister, you think too much. It's not me who help."

Li Qin asked, "Who is that?"

Li Yunsheng simply smiled without replying. Today, he was also present when the judge announced the judgment. Seeing his niece-in-law in extreme pains he felt kind of sympathy for her as well. After all, she was just a woman without any backing or background. Filing a lawsuit against such a woman, Mo family behaved like a bully.