It Was His Son

Mo Yixuan stood in the corridor and he was dressed in a long black coat which made him exude a melancholic and cold vibe. He stared at the ward ahead, hoping that someone would come out. 

Soon, Ah Mu who had entered to announce his arrival from the ward. 

He looked impassively at Mo Yixuan and said, "Mrs. Ye hasn't regained consciousness yet. Mr. Ye said that even if she wakes up, she wouldn't want to see you."

"Is she okay?" Mo Yixuan asked. His brows were knitted in a deep frown and his eyes were full of concern.

Ah Mu looked away. He did not answer that question, neither did he feel that it was necessary to give an answer.


At the same time, Yuan Yuan was in the castle, completely unaware of what was going on and he was enjoying himself as he rode his children bicycle all over the castle, blabbering unintelligibly.

He continued playing until Qin Xiaoyu carried him off the bicycle and stroked his head.