She Had Gone Missing

He Xiyan froze for a moment, then she smiled happily. Shu Man had finally called her 'sister' and her younger sister had finally stopped addressing her so distantly as 'Mrs. Ye'. 

"Man Man, what do you want to know?" she asked with a smile as she looked at her sister.

Shu Man frowned and her beautiful eyes were filled with confusion.

"Uh… where's uncle and aunty?" She wanted to ask about her biological parents but she couldn't bring herself to say the words 'father and mother', so she changed it to 'uncle and aunty'.

He Xiyan understood what she was trying to ask and her face suddenly turned pale and her eyes that had been filled with happiness earlier darkened sorrowfully. She turned away and pursed her lips hard. 

She only looked at her sister after some time and said sadly, "Our dad passed away in a car accident 14 years ago while our mother passed away from an illness 10 years ago." Then, she pulled out a piece of tissue and dabbed at her eyes.