Not Enough! Perfunctory

"It's all over. You see, I'm living well, right?" Shu Man patted her sister on the shoulder, suggesting that she needn't feel sorry for it any longer.

Although there was not much sisterhood between them, she could see that her sister was real to her.

Anyway, It was not a bad thing for her to have a sister.

He Xiyan smiled, hugging her sister tightly as well.

Now, she had another family member, a biologically intimate one.

It was not until about nine at night that Shu Man and her mother drove out of the castle.

The castle finally came to quietness.

He Xiyan did not know how long it's been since she was as happy as today. She walked to the balcony, looking at the car moving farther and farther until it disappeared into the vast darkness. However, she still held onto the window edge with both hands and looked at the long road.