Would Not Mistreat Her

Xia Jingshu cast a look at her husband and at the baby. Then after a pause, she continued the talk, "Ye Hao, your father is right. Yanyan is really not suitable for you now, and I don't want to see you unhappy anymore."

"Of course... We Ye family will not treat her badly." When Xia Jingshu spoke of this, a trace of sympathy and vague pain flew out of her eyes, which, however, was far less than her love for her son. She thought for a moment, then patted her son on the shoulder again and said, "After all, she is Xixi's mother. If she puts forward any financial requirements, our Ye family will try to satisfy her as much as possible. It's compensation."

Saying so, Xia Jingshu wiped the corners of her eyes, which seemed to touch her sorrowful past and made her eyes wet immediately.

Aside, Ye Hao quickly handed a piece of handkerchief to his mother. His eyebrows were pressed even tighter, and the complex feelings were written large on his face.