Only Wanted To See Mom

After Wang Lan left, the bedroom became quiet again. Only the sound of He Xiyan's breathing could be heard. She didn't eat any of the fruit sent here, simply having a little milk and a small piece of bread.

She continued to sit like this, glancing at the clock on the wall from time to time, just like a woman having lost her soul.

However, unlike the quietness in the bedroom, it was quite noisy and lively on the first floor of the castle because of the arrival of a child.

At this time, a black luxury car stopped at the gate of the castle, from which Wu Xiaomin, the servant of Mo family, got down, together with Yuanyuan, who was held by her. At the sight of the familiar house, Yuanyuan became thrilled, wriggling constantly. Upon getting off the car, he shouted loudly, "Mom..."

While shouting, he ran towards the guard room, with an electronic toy gun in hand.