Why Built The Tomb

Her face turned red instantly, looking extremely bad.

Ye Hao had expected Li Qin to be in this attitude. This old woman was always like this.

"I'm looking for Mo Yixuan. Where is he?"

"He is not here!"

Li Qin sneered. That kind of disgust could even been seen from her frown.

"Go away, you are not welcome here." She swung her hand and then her crutch was cast onto the ground hard.

Some time ago, she fell again, which worsened her sickness again. Now there was some trouble with her legs and feet, so she could not walk steadily, nor did she have the strength to quarrel.

Ye Hao, however, did not move a single step.

"I look for him because he builds the tomb for my ex-wife. Well, please give a call and ask him back as soon as possible."

Ye Hao tried to be polite, not intending to quarrel or fight, nor was he in the mood to.