Let Her Rest Under The Earth In Peace

Ye Hao was caught by shock all of a sudden as if struck by a thunderbolt on the head. He clenched his fingers tightly, a thin layer of cold sweat already coming out of his palm.

"What do you mean? What do you mean that she died?"

Mo Yixuan turned away his head, looking at the heavy rain and the lightning out of the window. At this time, his dark eyes were overcast, as if the whole world had turned grey and white without any color.

He shook his head as if sighing at the injustice and cruelty of god.

"Talk!" Seeing Mo Yixuan not speaking, Ye Hao roared out excitedly. His whole face was extremely red because of nervousness.

"What do you want me to say?" Mo Yixuan looked back at the man he hated to the utmost.

"What did you get?" Ye Hao roared again, twice as loud.