Friends From Ye City

After handling the online business, they drove to the market where people could buy goods for the New Year.

With the New Year around the corner, there were many people here, bustling and hustling. He Xiyan let Jiahang push the shopping cart while she was in charge of shopping. She bought a lot of food, including off-season vegetables, fruits, snacks and so on, which totaled nearly two thousand yuan.

They would spend the New Year back their home in Mang village. Remote as it was, it was inconvenient for them to buy things there, so they had to buy those goods in Ming City and then took them back.

Although they bought a house in the city, yet every year they would return to Mang village to spend the New Year. Jiahang held an incomprehensible feeling for that small village and she followed him. So if he wanted to go back for the New Year, then just did that.

After moving everything they had bought into the car, they set off.