How Are You Related to Them?

The security guard froze in surprise and he stared at the huge wad of cash that seemed to weigh a ton in his hands.

He took a closer look at Mo Yixuan and noticed that this man looked like an important person and also seemed very rich. His clothes looked expensive and he guessed that they probably cost more than ten thousand dollars per piece.

He guessed that this man didn't come bearing bad intentions; at the very least, he didn't look like a criminal. 

Thus, there wouldn't be any harm revealing the address of a teacher since it wasn't a major secret.

The security guard weighed his options and soon, he looked at Mo Yixuan and smiled warmly. 

"Give me a minute, I'll check for you," he said as he made several calls.

He came back to the office around 10 minutes later, took out a piece of paper and a pen, and scribbled down an address.