They Owe Me More Than a Million Dollars

Mo Yixuan was a little taken aback by the elderly couple's question and didn't know how to respond.

He frowned and tried to come up with a plausible reason. He finally sighed after a few seconds and looked a little resigned as he said, "I am an old friend of theirs and lent them more than a million dollars that they have yet to return."

The elderly couple was speechless before they let out an exclamation of surprise.

"Do they really owe you so much money?" the elderly woman asked Mo Yixuan in disbelief and her eyes widened in surprise.

Mo Yixuan nodded and the anxiety in his eyes did make it seem like he was here to collect his debt.

"Yes, Aunty. They borrowed 1.2 million dollars from me two years ago and said that they would use the money to set up a business and return this sum after a year but it has been two years and not only have they not repaid this debt, they're also not accepting my calls."