Who Else Would Be a Better Stepmother?

Han Qing walked over and led her grandson by his hand. She sounded equally displeased and annoyed as she said, "Ye Hao, how could you say such things? Your mother would know how well Xiao Xue has treated Xi Xi." She then looked at Xi Xi and said, "Xiao Xue would always buy clothes and toys for Xi Xi every time she goes shopping but Xi Xi always refuses to wear them. Every time Xi Xi bullies Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu never once sternly reprimanded Xi Xi. When Xi Xi had a stomach ache the last time you weren't around, Xiao Xue was the one who drove her to the hospital in the middle of the night. If you call this 'bullying', then could you let me know what would be considered not 'bullying'?"

"Let me ask you, how many stepmothers would be able to do as much as Xiao Xue has done for Xi Xi?"