Lived Separately?

Ye Hao turned to Han Xue. At this time, there was no fury on his face, but tiredness of this kind of life.

"I let Xixi live in my apartment recently, so that you will have no conflicts." Ye Hao said in a low voice.

After that, he went downstairs with Xixi in his arms, leaving restless Xia Jingshu and angry Han Xue and her mother behind.

Han Xue was stunned there, her whole face seeming collapsed. She looked at the direction in which Ye Hao left, unable to return to her mind for quite a while until her mother pulled her into the tea room.

Han Qing frowned. At this time, besides anger, she had more implicit worries.

"Little Xue, Ye Hao just said that he took his daughter to live in his apartment. What does he mean? Are you going to live separately?" Han Qing asked. She knew that Ye Hao often did not go home. Now that he took her daughter to live elsewhere, perhaps he would be more reluctant to return to the castle.