He Would Often Dream of Her

Han Xue looked out of the window in annoyance after she spoke while Han Qing brooded with a frown. She had always been sure that her grandson Xiao Yu would definitely be able to inherit the Ye family inheritance and had not even thought of the possibility that Ye Hao could end up leaving everything to that little brat.

This was especially so for the castle since she was still dreaming of living out the rest of her days in this castle.

"Xiao Xue, this can't go on. You have to think of a way to make Ye Hao groom Xiao Yu as his successor," she said. 

Han Xue scoffed coldly. This was what she desired as well but there was nothing she could do about it. 

They sat in the kitchen and whispered in low voices despite their vivid gestures. 

Xi Xi sat on her father's lap upstairs in the bedroom and watched as her father had a video conference with his colleagues. She would occasionally stick her tiny face into the frame as well.