Do You Resent Me?

He Xiyan frowned as she stared at the two women by the doorway. She watched as they slowly approached her.

She stood up and pulled Xi Xi to her side.

Han Xue's face was cold as she wheeled Xia Jingshu over. She didn't even want to keep up pretenses any longer. She found this woman who had reappeared from nowhere absolutely detestable.

Xia Jingshu's lips curved upward slightly as she smiled at He Xiyan.

"Xiyan…" she said.

He Xiyan met her gaze and forced herself to paste a smile on her face. She didn't like either of her her mothers-in-law but at least Ye Hao's mother had never once bullied her, unlike Mo Yixuan's mother, and she had once been kind to her.

"Aunty Xia," He Xiyan nodded as she greeted Xia Jingshu.