Why Couldn't My Mother Come!

At this time, Han Xue sneered again, not intending to hide her inner disgust at all.

"He Xiyan, I'm not against you coming to see Xixi, but I hope you won't come back to my house next time. If you want to see your daughter, I'll send her to you." Han Xue said in a deep voice. She used two words-- "my house", indicating that she was the hostess of the castle.

Xia Jingshu smiled awkwardly. She held out her wrinkled hand as if intending to hold the hands of her daughter-in-law in front. However, He Xiyan stepped back and avoided.

She didn't like such pretense of intimacy.

"Xiyan..." Xia Jingshu paused and said awkwardly, "Han Xue is outspoken. Don't worry. Well, if you want to see Xixi later, just call me. I'm still the old number. Do you remember? I'll ask someone to send Xixi over. You appear in the castle like this, if the media photographs you, there will be much gossip. You don't want to be obsessed with the media, do you? "