She Was Going Crazy

One hour later, He Xiyan walked back to the hall and finally went to sleep when she didn't see Ye Hao's figure on her monitor. 

At the Ye castle, there was another woman who wasn't able to fall asleep.

Han Xue hopped off the bed and started to pull off the covers and the bedsheets and threw them on the floor like a lunatic before she started to stomp on them.

This didn't make her feel better, so she started smashing the cups and vases in the room. 

Then, she went to the main hall on the first floor and continued to smash things. She would throw anything she managed to get her hands on on the floor and even smashed antiques that were worth millions.

She had already smashed the furniture in two different rooms by the time the maids working at the Ye castle found her.

The room was in a complete mess and the living room looked equally terrible.