She Was Beaten Again

She turned to look at Han Xue, the detestable aunty. 

"Aunty Han, I'm going to tell my father that you're destroying the castle's property," Xi Xi said angrily. 

Han Xue looked at Xi Xi and her eyes dripped with venom as she walked toward Xi Xi. Her hands were balled tightly into fists and she gritted her teeth angrily. She longed to give this little brat a tight slap.

"Go ahead and complain…" she said as she pointed at Xi Xi's head. Her finger was close enough to press against Xi Xi's forehead.

Xi Xi smacked away her finger in irritation.

"Aunty Han, you're a pile of dog shit. You're nothing but a pile of smelly and hardened dog shit," she said.

"You…" Han Xue's face flushed and her eyes blazed in anger.

She suddenly raised her hand and her arm drew an arc across the air as it slammed down hard against Xi Xi's face.

There was a loud smack.