This Must Be a Mistake

Ye Hao suddenly turned away as though he didn't want to see her twisted and repulsive face.

"Lock her up," he said softly. 

If she had committed a crime, then she should pay for her actions. He found her actions extremely detestable, especially since that bitch had tried to harm his unborn child.

Inspector Liu shook his head.

"I'm sorry to say this, but Mr. Ye, I would suggest letting her go first. We could lock her up since she has already admitted that she tried to bribe Wang Lan to harm your ex-wife, He Xiyan's unborn child. This is considered an attempt to cause intentional harm which is also a criminal offense. We could capture her now but we are still lacking in evidence for Wang Lan's case. We suspect that she isn't the main perpetrator of the crime but it is possible that she knows more than she's letting on. Hence, I'm proposing to send my men to keep an eye on her after we release her and use her track down Wang Lan's whereabouts."