She Was Fine

Yang Snr. held Han Qing's hands tightly. 

"It's alright. I'm sure Xiao Xue was wrongly accused and that the police would release her soon enough," Yang Snr. said. He might be worried but he was sure that his daughter wouldn't commit a crime. 

Sure enough, a car stopped outside the gates of the mansion. 

Han Qing and Yang Snr. quickly rushed out to see their daughter Han Xue getting out of the car.

Han Xue looked like she was in a bad shape and her face was scarily pale. She stood unsteadily after she got out of the car and her legs almost gave way. She clenched her jaw and seemed hesitant to enter the Ye family mansion. After hesitating for two minutes, she ultimately decided to continue walking forward. 

She had to return to the Ye family or the police might find her behavior even more suspicious when they saw that she was afraid to return home.