Please Proceed to Do a Check-Up

The only few people she could think of were: Han Xue? Lin Ziya? The stall owners at the market whom she used to argue with? 

However, these people didn't like her but there wasn't any deep-seated enmity between them.

"Have you managed to come up with any names, Madam He?" the police officer asked.

He Xiyan shook her head since she couldn't provide any names without any conclusive evidence. 

"Wait a minute. Sir, you said that their intent might be to cause me harm but the knife he attacked me with looked like a fruit knife and he had only injured my hand. No matter how you look at it, his actions would not have inflicted a fatal injury. If he had truly wanted to kill me, he wouldn't have chosen such a method," she said. 

She didn't think that the man who attacked her intended to kill her.

The police officer nodded and naturally, they were aware of this.