She Hoped That He Was Doing Well

Xi Xi placed all her presents together. There was a beautiful crystal doll, a bracelet, toys, and a cute dress. Xi Xi loved all her presents.

She was so happy after unwrapping her presents that she twirled happily in circles, completely forgetting about the wound on her leg.

"Yuan Yuan, what kind of presents did you receive?" Xi Xi suddenly sidled up to her brother and watched as her brother unwrapped his presents one at a time.

Xi Xi jumped in fright after Yuan Yuan opened a huge box because it looked awfully like…

"Hello friend, I'm Tom."

A robot that was approximately one-meter tall with short limbs walked out of the box the moment Yuan Yuan opened it.

"Tom?" Xi Xi glanced at this robot. It looked as big as Dudu but while Dudu looked like a dog, this robot looked like an alien. It looked very silly.

Yuan Yuan beamed happily and hugged the robot tightly.

This robot was from his aunt and it was her children's day present to him.