I'm Just the Father of Another Man's Child

In the Ye family mansion, the house was extremely quiet and Xia Jingshu seemed very listless all day. She would gaze off into space occasionally while sitting at the doorway and sometimes, she would ask the maids to push her in her wheelchair to the nearby park for a walk. She hardly spoke these days and she looked as though she had aged 10 years.

The maids in the household had been very cautious since Wang Lan met with an unfortunate end, as though they were terrified that they would be the next victims. There were even two maids who resigned and chose to leave this high-paying job.

Ye Hao drove home when dusk fell and he looked terribly upset. His face was flushed to the tips of his ears.

"Dad…" he heard a childish voice call his name when he reached the doorway.

Ye Chenyu ran out of the living room to greet him. He was carrying a small toy bear in his arms and blinked up at his tall and imposing father with his beautiful amber-colored eyes.