Ye Chenyu, He Couldn't Have

He had never dreamed that Han Xue was such a horrible woman.

"A Hao, open the door. Why did you beat Little Yu? He is not yet three years old, what does he know? Why you beat him?" Outside, Xia Jingshu shouted loudly.

With such a mess at home, she hadn't had a good sleep for even one night.

Ye Hao stroked his chest, still unable to control his emotions.

He threw his fist onto the window, which was therefore made shatter.

He really didn't know how to tell his mother the truth, because he knew that his mother loved Ye Chenyu more than Xixi. If Ye Chenyu was Ye Yi's child and Shen Lu's biological grandson, she would probably faint immediately.

"A Hao..." Xia Jingshu was still shouting outside.

Ye Hao could only walk over and then opened the door.

The mother and son looked at each other.

One blushed and was burning with anger, while the other frowned and was full of doubts.