Come, Let Me Carry You

He would not go if his mother wasn't going.

Xi Xi ran over, tugged at her mother's skirts and said playfully, "Mom, let's go watch 'Adventure King'. My classmates have all been raving about it."

Xi Xi thought that it sounded fun. She didn't want to stay at home but instead, she wanted to head outside to play.

He Xiyan didn't know how to respond nor reject her children's request. Hence, she had no choice but to lead the children downstairs.

Xia Jingshu had already left but there was a car parked outside the gates.

Mo Yixuan leaned against the car in his white shirt, blue-and-white striped tie, and black trousers. He Xiyan had bought him this tie six years ago. He had always treasured every gift she had given him and couldn't bear to throw them away.

There were many clothes and shoes that he had been wearing for a long time but he still kept these items.