It Is Yuan Yuan's Father

The car headed toward the city center.

Mo Yixuan drove at a moderate speed the entire way and a faint smile danced on his lips. Yuan Yuan was also smiling. Both father and son wore almost the same expression on their faces.

Xi Xi hummed the new children song she had just learned while she leaned into her mother's embrace.

"Mom, did I sing well?" she asked happily and revealed her tiny white teeth. 

He Xiyan pinched her daughter's soft and rosy cheeks.

"You did really well, my dear," she said. She didn't want to hurt her daughter's pride. In fact, her daughter had sung the wrong lyrics and had even gone off-tune. 

However, Xi Xi was only four years old, so it was already impressive how she managed to hum several lines of the song.

Yuan Yuan turned around and glanced at his sister. He wanted to tell her that she sounded horrible and had even gone off-tune. He couldn't believe that his mother said that she sounded good.