I Would Do That for Her but Would You?

She had lost her sense of self because of that relationship and did not even dare to talk back to Mo Yixuan and Li Qin no matter how much she suffered under them. She did not dare argue with Li Qin even after Mo Yixuan brought Xia Yuwei home.

She was not a good-natured woman and she would occasionally get into fights with others when she was still a student. However, she was extremely obedient around Mo Yixuan and had never once spoken harshly to him.

She felt very upset each time she thought about the past.

It was as though the feelings that she had forcibly suppressed and the cowardice she had displayed during that period came back to haunt her.

A teardrop rolled down the corner of her eyes and landed on her pillow.

He Xiyan took a deep breath but her eyes remained closed.

Fortunately, she was just pretending to sleep, so she could use this opportunity to figure out what those two men were thinking and their thought process.