You Both Went Back

He couldn't cook the dishes she like, because he did not know about cooking at all, not even fried rice. He wasn't even sure what she liked to eat, because every time they went out to eat, she always ordered the dishes to his favorite.

On the bed, He Xiyan could not help sighing deeply.

She only moved one hand a little rather than turn over since she did not want these two men to disturb her rest, although she was not asleep.

It was three o'clock in the morning.

The two men in the ward who bore great hated against each other gradually calmed down. However, instead of going to sleep, they stared at each other, as if they were never tired of each other.

Were they not in the ward or if it wasn't because of the fact that Yanyan needed a quiet rest after the operation, they would like to go out and have another fight. Anyway, they had done that many times.