You’d Better Stay At Ease

Aunt Yang soon bared a warm and kind smile.

She walked over, held He Xiyan's hands and asked excitedly.

"Chen Yan, how come you are back at this time? Aren't you living with your children in Ye City?"

Aunt Yang was also told by others about her and she was rather surprised then.

Embarrassed, for a while, He Xiyan really didn't know how to explain her behavior.

Since she came to Mang village all of a sudden, which even she herself felt unexpected.

Aunt Yang turned around to make a cup of tea and handed it over to He Xiyan. Then she quickly moved over two chairs.

He Xiyan took two sips of tea to clear her throat. She thought for a while, unable to hide the purpose of her trip anymore.

"Aunt Yang, I want to ask you some questions."

Aunt Yang smiled. "Say it." Although she never went to school, Aunt Yang has more than 5- years of experience and could sense that He Xiyan was thinking about something upon first glance.