Where Is His Wife From?

"Yan Yan, why don't you stay with me tonight? Let me know what you'd like to eat and I'll make it for you," Aunty Yang said politely. 

She had always been grateful to He Xiyan for this village wouldn't have changed so much if He Xiyan didn't come 9 years ago. 

This woman had been a blessing to the community. 

He Xiyan didn't turn down her offer and merely nodded. 

"Oh yes, Aunty Yang, where's Jiahang's wife from?" He Xiyan was still confused and she really wanted to find out what Jiahang had been through over the past few years. 

Aunty Yang scratched her head and thought for a moment before she shook her head and said, "I'm not exactly sure where she's from but she doesn't seem to be from around these parts. She's really pretty, clean-looking, and just a really good woman in general."

She couldn't help but sing praises of this woman as though she had forgotten that He Xiyan was once Jiahang's wife.