She Returned to the Castle

It was already evening by the time He Xiyan returned to the castle. 

Xi Xi was chatting with her father while playing chess with him at the main hall and they were waiting for her mother to return. 

They stopped playing when they spotted her familiar figure. 

Xi Xi ran over to her mother excitedly and stood in front of her mother as she said, "Mom, how was it? Did you have fun?" Xi Xi smiled prettily at her mother, revealing her tiny dimples. 

 They had been waiting for a while for her mom to return. 

He Xiyan stopped in her tracks but her eyes seemed unfocused. She looked at her daughter and tried to paste a smile on her face but her smile seemed forced and bitter. 

"Xi Xi, I'm tired so I'll be heading up for rest," He Xiyan's voice sounded very soft and hoarse and she looked very tired and haggard.