I Cared About You The Most

Xixi carried several bags in her hand high to show them to her mom.

He Xiyan smiled faintly, nodding to her daughter.

At the moment, however, she was really not interested in seeing what they brought back to her. She was so tired that she could not develop interest in doing anything.

"Mom, I'll put it in your room." Laughing, Xixi suddenly got near and kissed her mother on the cheek.

He Xiyan didn't reply, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was stiff. However, her daughter's action made her feel some kind of faint warmth and satisfaction.

Xixi went out after putting things down. When she went out, she looked back at her father, putting up a small fist toward him, saying silently, "Come on!"

Ye Hao put the food he got on the tea table, including scalded shrimps, steamed pork ribs, stir fried lotus root tips, which were all to her favorite.