This Was Her Last Gift to Him

"Thank you!" He Xiyan said as she took out a small box from her bag. This box was wrapped in colored wrapping paper so it wasn't clear what it contained.

She had thought about delivering the box herself but she lacked the courage to do so and she was afraid that he would reject her or look at her coldly.

The man didn't turn her down and nodded at her with a smile.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure that he gets this," he said and smiled, revealing two neat rows of pearly whites. His name was Chen Shaoping and he was her classmate who hailed from the same hometown as she did. He had also helped her find out Mo Yixuan's contact number, address, and other information.

He Xiyan pursed her lips into a smile but she still felt a little embarrassed when she spoke to him. Although he already knew how she felt about Mo Yixuan, she still felt awkward around him.

"Thanks!" she finally said. She thought for a moment before she added, "I'll buy you a meal someday."