Book A Room And Wait For Me!

He Xiyan walked back to the dormitory, seemingly very tired. Without lunch, she directly laid down on the bed to rest.

But she didn't fall asleep, simply tossed and turned.

She was wondering whether he had received what she had sent over and whether he would still accept her gift as before. He, however, did not reply to him, as if nothing had happened.

If so, then what kind of person was he actually?

This time, she didn't send her paintings or snacks anymore. Instead, she spent 11800 yuan on a famous watch for him. 11800 yuan, for her, it was her living expense for a semester.

She didn't know if there was anything wrong with her. She even gave such an expensive gift to a guy she didn't know. The computer she bought for herself cost only about five thousand yuan.

He Xiyan held the pillow in her arms and bit her lips tightly. Her cell phone was on the cabinet next to her. She looked at it from time to time, but didn't take it.