She Felt Like She Was Spying on Him

She suddenly looked up at the ceiling and all four corners of the roof.

She finally opened the doors to his wardrobe after she didn't see anything on the corners of his room.

There were several shelves in his wardrobe and she carefully went through each shelf. His shirts, pants, singlets, sweaters and so on were stacked neatly on their respective shelves while his suits hung neatly on his wardrobe. He had six suits in total.

She didn't really know much about menswear but she could see how good the quality of his clothes was and noticed the high-quality material and the tailored fit. She took out one of his suits and her eyes almost bulged out of her sockets when she noticed the price tag that still hung on the outfit. It cost a total of 58,888 dollars.

Oh my god! That was several times her monthly income.