An Unacquainted Girl

She bought a crucian carp, some ribs, chicken, brisket, tomatoes, potatoes, cauliflower and other vegetables. In addition to these, she also bought several spices and some fruit, as well as the necessities she needed herself.

After that, she went back with these things in her hands.

In fact, she preferred to cook at home rather than go out for a big meal. Many of her dishes tasted nice anyway.

After returning to his apartment, He Xiyan began to get down to work.

Washing rice and vegetables as well as cutting vegetables, she was like a housewife, skilled in doing these things.

Children out of poor families could be in charge of families early. She had learned cooking since ten years old, now having accumulated almost ten years of cooking experience.

When all the food were cut and prepared, He Xiyan washed her hands and sat on the sofa in the living room, waiting for him to come back.