Chapter 2 - A chance for peace

Chapter 2 - A chance for peace

"Beautiful speech" Duros Truut speaks to Secundus and follows these words up with "a shame that they can't grasp that, but still truth was spoken" Secundus hears these words and returns to them with "They needed to hear it, too often these great losses go unnoticed and they strut around as if there's no matter to it". Duros seems to hear the frustration in his voice and in an effort to lighten his mood says "They'll remember now, because of you, now come on, whilst you were showing off to your adoring admirers I received from our high command that the Dittakar are requesting an armistice, our superiors seem to believe that his armistice could be a chance for a permanent peace between our civilizations and so you and I the two liberating heroes are now tasked with attending a peace conference on the neutral Qatari world of Resphalt". "The Qatari?" asks Secundus in a surprised tone "aren't they the ones who sanctioned the Dittakars offensive?" Duros answered his inquiry "Maybe so but a lasting peace is in everyone's interests, no one wants to see a galactic war breakout and them offering to host this peace conference will improve their standing in the galactic community, if of course negotiations are successful, which I believe they will be due to our leaders holding all the playing cards all of our demands should be met", Secundus surprised himself with the thought that Duros was actually in fact correct, 84% of the Dittakar military power was destroyed and all remaining forces forced into full retreat with them failing to achieve any of their strategic aims, so with this achieved the Sejatharian Confederacy is indeed dominate in negotiations. Whilst Secundus played through this scenario within his mind Duros stated "There is a transport ship on the orbital platform waiting for our arrival, our presence at Resphalt is expected as soon as possible so let's not waste time"

With this said the two admirals proceeded towards the nearest transport complex that is to take them to the Issophon space elevator, "tell me" says Secundus "If we do manage to reach an agreement with the Dittakar what will the terms be?" Secundus asks whilst looking inquisitively at Duros "well considering the amount of damage inflicted on their armed forces thanks to your strategic expertise, they will likely be willing to surrender their ability to slipspace technology and perform a prisoner exchange from the engagement" with this said Secundus replied "I've heard worse terms, but other than limiting their advancement and gaining back a few useless politicians who were stupid enough to travel into their space in the first place wouldn't the most reasonable thing to do is to force the xenophile reforms on their government?". The transport complex was now right in front of them with the Issophon space elevator not hard to see in the distance, from here it looked like a divine tube to transcendence with the multiple support rings around and the passenger lift traveling up through it like a flash of light, Duros Truut stops and turns to Secundus "whatever terms we deliver, I am sure everything will return to how it was before", now with all of Secundus's answers provided the two Admirals entered the complex and stepped forward towards the military shuttle awaiting to transport them towards the elevator, whilst moving towards the shuttle Sejatharian civilians who had been witnesses to the actions taken by the admirals during the engagement move aside in respect allowing them to make way without a public obstacle to slow their progress. Secundus is the first to reach the shuttle and opens the passenger seat door for his comrade who responds "You driving? At your age?" Duros says in a humorous tone "You are more concerned with me driving a shuttle than commanding an entire starship fleet?" Secundus would blankly ask the enthusiastic admiral "fair point" he responded as Secundus commandeered the shuttle and set off towards the space elevator.

Whilst driving towards the complex Duros noted the burned out husks in the distance, these turned out to be remains of some of the many Sejatharian ships that were lost during the conflict with many of them bearing the insignia of being under the command of Admiral Secundus Rafak, "All your ships, don't see any of mine among that wreckage" Duros would say judgingly towards Secundus, though it would turn out that Duros had not suffered lightly either as whilst they continued their approach more wreckage became clearer as if just starting to phase into existence all of which bore the insignia of Admiral Duros Truut, "you were saying?" Secundus asked inquisitively, the response given was a dismayed look on the face of Duros as he stared out at the remains in the distance, Secundus thought about repeating the question but decided against it thinking best not to press it further due to the amount of casualties sustained by both of their fleets. "2 minutes until destination" Stated Secundus in an effort to change the conversational situation, still he received no reply from his comrade.

2 minutes of disturbing silence was ended when Secundus brought the shuttle to a halt in front of the entrance to the space elevator, "let's get moving, remember our transport ship is awaiting us". After all the required security and identification tests are carried out both the admirals are permitted entry on the passenger lift. With a loud electronic beep and the fast closure of the entrance, the green light illuminated on the surface above the closed doors and with not a moment to think further the lift shot up in lightening speed and within less than a moment exited Issophons atmosphere, the view was tremendous, Secundus and Duros both approached the window staring out at the dark void of space whilst wreckage of starships both military and civilian shifted into view providing the two with a haunting yet somewhat beautiful image of the engagements aftermath, Duros Truut says to Secundus "What was their excuse for this mess?" he questions to Secundus "This world has always clearly been Sejatharian with a purely civilian industrial purpose, never have the Dittakar focused their forces on these worlds" Duros shook his in frustration towards the remains whilst Secundus in states his belief "It's a change in tactics, before they were targeting purely military installations which prevented us from fully organising but kept us united, but now targeting civilians spreads fear among our populations and causes support to drop, terror tactics are their ways now Duros, best adapt to it". As the lift approached the orbital platform both admirals were required to equip oxygen masks on themselves due to the life support system taking a hit during the engagement, unsurprisingly the orbital platform was quiet and open due to the amount of damage sustained. Duros pointed at the transport not far away from the elevators exit "down there, it's time to depart this system". The transport was not as large as some might think with room for some 20 or 50 so passengers, there was the presence of several security personnel preparing to board the craft alongside the two admirals. Secundus noticed the wideness of the transports passenger bay with a wide space allowing constant movement throughout space travel "good" he thought to himself as this would prevent himself from seizing up during the journey.

Secundus took a seat not far from the cockpits entrance where the pilot was making final preparations for warping to Resphalt with Duros boasting to their security detail about their victory whilst containing the conflict within himself about the losses. Secundus isolated all thoughts within his mind and decided to sleep through at least some of the journey which wouldn't be long due to Resphalt being 30 minutes away there was not much time for rest and with this Secundus closed his eyes and let the darkness consume himself as the transport ship fired off into the void.