Chapter 3 - Good Intentions

Chapter 3 - Good Intentions

Secundus was awakened by the sudden halt of the transport ship and the voice of the pilot announcing the end of the warp jump, the planet Resphalt could be seen right next to them and Secundus unseated himself and approached the viewing screen to see the sight. Resphalt was a lush green world one that many considered to be the most beautiful and habitable world in the entire galaxy and was a refreshing sight from the earlier carnage seen on the surface of Issophon. Duros noticed Secundus was now awake and strolled towards his position by the screen "Refreshing isn't it?, how long do you think we'll get to stay here?" he asks hoping that it will be an extensive stay on the marvelous planet "I wouldnt get your hopes up, as soon as negotiations have ended we will most likely be sent to oversee the Dittakar follow our terms" Duros continued to stare at the world in silence beside Secundus as the transport ship made its final descent onto the planet's surface and made way for the Resphalt transport complex.

Unlike Issophon, Resphalt did not have a space elevator and a direct entry through the planet's surface was required. As the clouds cleared and the surface of the world was revealed the two admirals saw lush green fields stretching far and wide into the horizon of Resphalt "An ideal place to hold a peace conference" stated Duros as Secundus returned with an agreeing puff of air, the pilot then announced their arrival at the complex as they began to touch down on the landing pad "Destination reached, good luck with the negotiations admirals", "Time to talk business with the fancy people" Duros said as the transport ships bay began its opening and the security detail rose from their seats in an intimidating manner as if they were preparing for a fight during negotiations, both Duros and Secundus exchange nervous glances after seeing this and wonder if their meeting with the Dittakar will be sour.

The transport bay was now open and the admirals escorted by security make way towards the government plaza on Resphalt where the other Sejatharian personnel are awaiting their arrival to begin negotiations. Secundus halts for a few seconds to glance at the lush green fields and turquoise river and closes his eyes as he breathed in the fresh air and took in the full scent of this paradise, he had never seen this much green in the entire galaxy and took this moment to let all doubts leave his mind and focus fully on establishing a lasting peace. Not long after leaving the Resphalt transport complex the security detail escorting the admirals began to tense up and begin to look even more intimidating than before clutching their energy weapons as if they were scouting through an active warzone, Secundus ignored their aggressive behaviour this time due to the fact that the Dittakar will most likely be far worse in greeting one another. Duros walked beside Secundus and says "The Qatari down there by the plaza's entrance is the governor of this world, apparently we are required to thank him for holding these negotiations and forget the fact that they allowed this mess to happen" Secundus hears this and stares at the Fungoid figure not far ahead and shakes his head knowing their pompous and erratic behaviour towards aliens. The Qatari approached Duros and Secundus with his arms open and speaks in a rather pleasant tone towards them "greetings, welcome to my plaza, as you know I am Timaphon Hoxis governor of Resphalt, if you would please follow me and we can proceed to the upper floor of the citadel where negotiations are about to be underway". Duros is about to speak when Secundus prevents him and says "Thank you governor Hoxis for hosting these talks, both of us have hope that a lasting peace will be established here" "as do I" Governor Hoxis returns.

The inside of the citadel was illuminated by a cream white colour that blocked out all darkness when it came. The trio now ahead of the security detail who appeared to grow increasingly aggressive as the moment came ever closer to meeting their foes, Governor Hoxis then quickened his pace as if in a hurry to be the first to reach the lifts doors and with a press of a button opens them allowing them all to enter inside the elevator. The security detail began silently mentioning rules of engagement to one another as if preparing for a firefight, Governor Hoxis notes this and says to the two admirals "Your men seem to be very on edge about meeting the Dittakar, I assure you everything is safe and negotiations will be held in a relaxed and peaceful manner" the elevator doors once again open marking the end of their venture from Issophon to Resphalt as Secundus looks at Duros as if to tell him not to do anything that might hamper their peace effort knowing how strongly he felt about the earlier engagement. Governor Hoxis seemed to be almost excited as if he will be benefitting from hosting these talks. The trio were now overtaken by their security detail who had taken on a defensive posture as the entry to the conference chambers was now just a few feet in front of them.

A familiar figure stood out in front of the entrance, another Sejatharian considerably older than the two already present and is recognised by Secundus immediately as Grand Admiral Callus Gavern. Secundus was the one who now quickened his pace towards the Grand Admiral and as if greeting an old friend speaks to him "Callus! We were not expecting you here, it's a great pleasure to be in your presence once more" Grand Admiral Callus approaches him also bearing a pleased expression and whilst walking towards the chambers places his hand on Secundus shoulder saying to him "Negotiations are about to go underway, congratulations on your victory, word has spread across the galaxy already" "Unsurprising, though we paid a heavy price to earn our triumph" "they'll be remembered, if it weren't for their sacrifice we wouldn't be able to hold these talks today" Duros attempts to eavesdrop on their conversation in his curiousity as to what is being said and is startled when Governor Hoxis appears next to him "Not speaking to your comrades?" he asks, Duros returns to this with "I barely know the Grand Admiral, best for me if Secundus takes over conversation at this point" "Ah I see" Now they were waiting for the conference chambers to open as Governor Hoxis approaches the control panel and punches in the required numerals to grant them entry "Please enter and take a seat" he asks of them as the chambers are revealed to them.

The conference chambers were a circular room with a large rounded silver table in the center with seating area for 50 individuals, many of the already seated were business looking characters seen seated with some Mammalian in appearance almost like a bear with two fangs on either side and flattened nose with an almost hideous appearance, these were the Dittakar and scowled upon the admirals upon their entry. As they took their seats, Governor Hoxis announces "With a peaceful mindset and good intentions we begin these negotiations, Grand Admiral Callus Gavern, What terms do you deliver to the table?" "Due to the terror tactics deployed by the Dittakar on the planet Issophon and prioritizing civilian targets over military, we demand an immediate halt in your use of slipspace drives and that you limit them only to civilian use", the Dittakar envoy lurched its head backwards as if they had just been personally insulted by the Grand Admiral and retorts to this with "you would cut off our legs, halt our peoples advancement and sabotage our defenseive capabilities?" "I would have you focus on your civilian society as to prevent any more harm coming towards yourselves" the Grand Admiral hits back whilst now staring menacingly at the Dittakar that one could note him taking pleasure in the destruction of their Hegemony. With this exchange of dialogue Governor Hoxis began to look increasingly concerned of the rising tension between the two parties just as Admiral Secundus chimes "You do realise we are gathered here today because of your own aggressive actions? The consequences for the cost of life suffered you must face" Admiral Duros nods in agreements puts down additional terms to the Dittakar "as well as limiting your slipspace technology to civilian use only, we also demand compensation for the damaged caused at Issophon to repair damages and pay funeral expenses for the lives lost so that they may be returned to their families". The Dittakar though frustrated at the terms given and disregard towards the impact this would have realises that these would be the best terms they would receive from the Sejetharian delegation as they will be completely unwilling to offer any concessions in exchange so with a disgruntled tone accepts this knowledge "We believe these to be the best terms possible, our delegation shall consult the hegemon in order to see if he finds these terms acceptable" Governor Hoxis, pleased to see the decrease in tension and renewed calm between each delegation closes the day's negotiations with "It is settled then, the Dittakar Hegemon shall be consulted on peace terms and if accepted shall reduce slipspace use for civilian use only as well as paying compensation for the damage inflicted upon the Sejatharian people, it is clear that these talks have not come without great dislike towards one another, we shall hold a temporary break in negotiations to allow the hegemon to be consulted" With this said the dittakar delegation rose from their seating and stormed off towards the exit of the conference chamber, Secundus leaned in towards Duros and says "If these terms are accepted, they will just find an alternative to slipspace, aggressive they may be but not stupid" Duros takes this in and looks with concern at the state the Dittakar left their end of the chamber in, the seats had been handled with complete disregard and tossed around upon their exit as well as spilling over the water handed out to them from Governor Hoxis himself, though he seemed not to care about this as all that was on his mind was to get the two warring races to come to terms and seemed relatively pleased at the current situation.

Grand Admiral Callus Gaven rises from his chair and says to the two admirals "Get some rest for now, I will contact you Admiral Secundus and Admiral Duros when negotiations are to resume" "Understood sir" both Secundus and Duros say at the same time and upon walking to the exit Timaphon Hoxis odd behaviour is observed by Secundus as he makes his way out, the governor was now seen to be sitting at the high table hands clasped together and staring back at the admiral with a despicable smile.